Valvoline Motor Oil

Valvoline Motor Oil

For the summer of 2023, Valvoline Motor Oil had a partnership with Gridlife, sponsoring the festival that combines motorsports and music.

At Hill Holliday, we were tasked with creating a variety of experience ideas bringing together some of the Valvoline drivers and influencers to make some noise at the event.

Client: Valvoline Motor Oil
Agency: Hill Holliday
AD: Tássia Valim
CW: Abby Hancharik
EVP GCD AD: Kevin Daley
EVP GCD CW: Marc Hartzman

Valvoline Motor Oil

Valvoline Motor Oil has a partnership with Gridlife, sponsoring the festival that combines motorsports and music culture.

So, at Hill Holliday, we were tasked with creating some experience ideas bringing together some of the Valvoline drivers and influencers to make some noise at the event.

Client: Valvoline Motor Oil
Agency: Hill Holliday
AD: Tássia Valim
CW: Abby Hancharik
EVP GCD AD: Kevin Daley
EVP GCD CW: Marc Hartzman